Beneluxtrein via breda
- From Brussels to Breda by Train from € | railcc Sinds 9 april rijdt de Beneluxtrein via de Hogesnelheidslijn Schiphol - Antwerpen. Sinds die datum wordt er gestopt in Breda, waar gekeerd wordt, en in Noorderkempen. In Dordrecht en Roosendaal wordt niet meer gestopt. See more.
- Beneluxtrein - Wikipedia From Brussels to Breda by train in hours. Direct boarding, no check-in time and comfortable seats. Book your ticket online from € 9.
- BENELUX TRAINS - Belgium & Netherlands Rail Map, Tickets & Schedule Train ticket prices from Breda to Brussels start from € 9 one way. Ticket prices are lower when you book in advance. See our Itinerary Planner for an up-to-date overview of all prices.
- Benelux Train System Did you book your train tickets at SNCB International, either online, through our app or via our contact centre? With MyTrain, you can find all your booking details, such as departure times or .
Benelux transport bv
Brussels to Breda by train
Brussels to Breda by train | . |
Benelux breda | . |
Benelux transport bv | . |
Beneluxweg | . |