Duo examenuitslag inburgering
Duo inburgering examen uitslag
Staatsexamen Nt2
Duo examen inburgering
Staatsexamen Nt2 | Non EU citizens who are legally required to integrate or wish to apply for permanent residence or Dutch citizenship voluntarily need to pass the inburgerign exams. |
You graduated | Did you graduate? |
Duo examen inburgering | Na ongeveer 5 weken kunt u uw examenuitslag bekijken in Mijn DUO. |
Inburgering Online - Easily pass your civic integration exam | . |
Duo inburgering examen resultaat
- Staatsexamen Nt2: Uitslag – DUO You can also see the results of your exams on 'Mijn inburgering' (my civic integration) of DUO. To do this, you need to log in with DigiD.
- You graduated - DUO Non EU citizens who are legally required to integrate or wish to apply for permanent residence or Dutch citizenship voluntarily need to pass the inburgerign exams. The complete inburgering .
- This means you will have to pass a civic integration (inburgering) exam showing that you are familiar with the Dutch language and culture. You can register for the exam with .
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