Vu gebouwen mf

  • Cultureel hart
  • PhD position “Short and long-term cost-effectiveness of health interventions”
  • See the opening times of all VU buildings. The MF building houses the medical, behavioural, exercise and health sciences of the VU and the Amsterdam UMC.
  • Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw VU
  • Based on real time data, we give you the occupancy of study places on campus. Found your study place? Give your feedback to improve the campus facilities and let your voice count. In .
  • Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw VU

  • MF Building 5 Energy Center Transitorium 1 BelleVUe Initium a TenT 13 Childcare Amsterdam UMC (Location VUmc) Imaging Center Research gebouw .
  • vu gebouwen mf
  • To use this platform, the system writes one or more cookies in your browser. These cookies are not shared with any third parties. In addition, your IP address and browser information is .
  • Your function
  • Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw VU Dat kan in het multifunctionele Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw van de Vrije Universiteit.
    PhD position “Short and long-term cost-effectiveness of health interventions” In a world where healthcare budgets are limited, healthcare decision makers are faced with difficult decisions about how to spend the available resources as efficiently as possible.
    Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Het bestaande gebouw van architect H.
    Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw VU - Zuidas .
      PhD position “Short and long-term cost-effectiveness of health interventions” | Working At VU Het gebouw heeft flexibele ruimtes waarin onderwijs, onderzoek en cultuur elkaar afwisselen. Het Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw staat centraal aan de De Boelelaan en het nieuwe campusplein. .
      PLEQ - VU Campus Map At our research group, we now have a position available for a 4-year full-time PhD student in the field of economic evaluations. You will be involved in three European projects .
      Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - De Twee Snoeken Architectuur & Interieur .
      Ontdek Zuidas met onze gratis rondleiding .
  • PhD position “Short and long-term cost-effectiveness of health ...